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Medial tibial stress syndrome

What is medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)?

Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is commonly known as “shin splints" and refers to overuse or repetitive stress causing injury to the front of the lower leg, between the knee and the ankle (tibia bone). 

Shin splints occur when the body is unable to heal properly in response to stress from repetitive muscle contractions and tibial strain.

Who is more likely to suffer from mtss?

MTSS is most prone in athletes, those who part take in football, soccer, basketball and dancing due to the nature of the activity. 

Females suffer a greater risk of shin splints due to a higher incidence of diminished bone density and osteoporosis.

What are some symptoms that I may experience with mtss?

  • Dull, diffuse pain along the lower leg along the tibia (shinbone)

  • Pain worsening at the beginning of exercise and gradually subsides during training and within minutes of cessation of exercise. 

  • As the injury advances, pain with reduced activity and may occur when resting

What causes mtss?

MTSS is most commonly caused by training errors, where individuals attempt to do “too much, too soon”. 

These errors can occur through changes in training regimen of:

  • Exercise routine 

  • Running distance

  • Intensity

  • Speed

  • Terrain

  • Footwear

Other factors which can also increase the risk of MTSS include:

  • Tight calf muscles 

  • Weak calf muscles 

  • Inappropriate/ Non-supportive footwear  

  • Flat feet  

  • Overweight 

  • Poor running technique


Management for MTSS will vary with every individual, however, during the implementation of your treatment plan we will consider the following: 

RICE principle

  • Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and the use of anti-inflammatories oral/creams during the initial phase

Training regime modifications

  • Reduction of intensity, frequency, and duration. Reducing the level of impact of exercises. Rehabilitation stretching and strengthening program

Footwear education 

  • Fitting shoes with good shock absorption properties. Changing shoes when required


  • Applied to the foot to offload pressure to the tender structures of the foot and leg to correct any biomechanical errors


  • Insole modifications to align and support the foot and ankle reducing excessive stress off of the lower leg

Therapeutic ultrasound/laser therapy/Interferential therapy

  • Provided to assist stimulate blood flow and aid with healing in the affected area

Dry needling

  • Performed to free up any tightness in the lower limb muscles and reduce any resultant strain

If you would like to find out more or are experiencing the above come in and see us here at Foot Body Sole! CLICK below to make a booking or call 1800 778 316.

If you are suffering from pain and discomfort, what are you waiting for? Contact one of our friendly podiatrists today on 1800 778 316 or click below!

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