Plantar fasciitis is one of the major causes of heel pain which affects more than 10% of Australians in their lifetime. Plantar fasciitis is caused by excessive pressure placed on the plantar fascia mainly due to sudden increase in work or exercise intensity, inappropriate footwear and more importantly, poor foot biomechanics.
What foot type are prone to plantar fasciitis?
Unfortunately, all foot types are prone to plantar fasciitis, including both high arch and flat feet.
High arches contain a contracted plantar fascia along with tight calves and Achilles tendon making this foot type a poor shock absorber and adding more strain to the plantar fascia.
Overly collapsed arches cause enormous tension on the plantar facia, especially at the heel insertion. Overtime, the stretched plantar fascia can lead to the development of plantar fasciitis.
Treatment options for plantar fasciitis
First line treatment for plantar fasciitis includes rest, taping, stretching and strengthening exercises, and supportive footwear. These can be used along with electrotherapy, shockwave therapy and orthotics to achieve the optimal outcome.
Low dye taping technique is usually applied to off-load plantar fascia and provide medial ankle arch support. At Foot Body Sole, we use K-tape which is stretchy and water resistant. K-tape does not restrict movement making it more comfortable to wear and you can simply tap dry it after shower. You will be advised to keep the tape on 4-5 days if no allergic reaction arises.
When to consider orthotics?
Orthotics are designed to correct foot posture and provide cushioning to reduce tension on the plantar fascia and redistribute pressure across the arch of the foot. Orthotics are usually considered and recommended if you respond well with taping. If your pain returns after the tape comes off, this means you may need long term support to off-load the affected muscles. Custom orthotics are designed to contour the arch and aid optimal mechanics to relieve stress on the plantar fascia.
In addition to the above, supportive and correct footwear is also important for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Good footwear can help the function of the orthotics also. When you have plantar fasciitis, it's advised to stick to footwear not too flat and in fact a little bit of elevation in the heel region can take the pressure off the back of the heel.
If you have been thinking about orthotics and want to find out what sort of orthotics would suit your feet or any questions about plantar fasciitis and treatments including whether orthotics is right for you, please contact us at or 8648 7678 or come in store to chat to our friendly staff.